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How Profeco Regulates Timeshare?

The Federal Consumer Procurator’s Office “Procuraduria Federal del Consumidor”, monitors the activities of the providers and intermediaries, who provide the timeshare service to consumers, to ensure that they act in accordance with applicable laws, and verify that consumer rights are not violated. For that, Article 65 of the Federal Law on Consumer Protection establishes that for the sale or pre-sale of a timeshare service, it can only be made when the adhesion contract is registered with PROFECO, which must contain the aforementioned requirements, as well as established in the Official Mexican Standard NOM-029-SCFI-2010.


PROFECO has a Department of Conciliation for Residents Abroad (CARE), its main function is to protect the rights of foreign consumers who have contracted a good, product or service with a provider domiciled in the Mexican Republic, so that It is necessary to send the documentation (invoice, ticket, and / or statement of account) with which you prove the commercial relationship with the supplier and official identification (passport) to the email account: extranjeros@profeco. gob.mx, so that said Administrative Unit is in a position to analyze its disagreement and determine if its claim is appropriate; in the email you must specify the following information:

1. Name, address, telephone number and email.
2. Name and address of the provider or service provider as it appears on the voucher or on the issued receipt.
3. Description of the reason for your claim, including the good or service you claim, clearly and briefly reporting the events that occurred, the date of purchase or contract, the total price of the good or service and the amount claimed.


It consists of making available to a person or group of persons, the use, enjoyment and other rights that are agreed upon on a good or part thereof, in a variable unit within a specific class, for previously agreed periods, by the payment of an amount, without the transmission of the ownership in the case of real estate, based on Article 64 of the Federal Law on Consumer Protection “Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor”.


These can be purchased for weeks, known as intervals or vacation ownership; these are the most common types of occupation:

1. Week and fixed unit: The purchaser receives and can use a specific condominium, in a certain week, each year, besides having the possibility of enjoying a week of vacations in the chosen destination.

2. Right to use: The ownership of the development is maintained by the provider. The buyer obtains the right to use it for a specific number of years and at the end of the term the rights return to the supplier.

3. Vacational clubs or reward point program: Club members buy points, which are used as currency to access different sizes of rooms, seasons or numbers of days in the various developments affiliated with the provider or intermediary provider. 4. Units with lockoff or lockout: They allow customers who purchased holiday intervals to occupy only a portion of the unit on one date, and the rest on another.

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