Luxury resort day pass homes and condos for sale Puerto Vallarta

Fancy a Fancy Resort? Day Passes Unlock Luxury for Less

Forget saving for a whole stay, new resort day passes let you experience luxury resorts for a fraction of the price.

Budget-conscious traveler Joan Stevenson isn’t letting rising travel costs cramp her style. The New Yorker, who overspent on vacations in 2023, is finding creative ways to experience luxury without breaking the bank. Enter hotel day passes – a growing trend that lets travelers enjoy resort amenities for a fraction of the overnight stay price.

“It’s a fantastic way to escape and feel pampered like you’re at a five-star hotel, even if you can’t afford to stay there,” Bowler says. Day passes offer access to pools, cabanas, and even work-friendly rooms, making them a versatile option.

Hotels and third-party companies are catching on to the day pass craze. With luxury hotel room rates soaring (think $400 a night!), day passes bridge the gap between travel dreams and tight budgets. Travelers are prioritizing experiences over expensive accommodations, a shift from the “revenge travel” splurges seen post-pandemic.

Hayley Berg, an economist at travel site Hopper, confirms the trend. “People are budgeting for travel more carefully,” she says. “Day passes offer exactly what they want: a taste of luxury at a lower cost.” Hotels benefit too, generating extra revenue from existing amenities.

The Virgin Hotels New York City exemplifies this win-win. Their rooftop pool, with stunning city views, is now open to day guests. Lounge chairs start at $130, with cabana upgrades offering personalized service and refreshments. “Everyone deserves a little escape,” says Cindy Ford, the hotel’s head of partnerships.

ResortPass, a leading day-pass provider, has partnered with over 1,300 luxury hotels (Waldorf Astoria, anyone?). Launched in 2016, they boast 95% market share and offer access in over 250 cities, with prices as low as $25. “We enable local getaways without the full vacation commitment,” explains CEO Michael Wolf. The average ResortPass customer spends around $165 for the day and even splurges more on extras compared to overnight guests. Wolf hints at a future membership program for frequent users, making day passes even more enticing.

So, whether you’re a budget-savvy traveler like Lora or simply crave a luxurious escape, hotel day passes offer a clever way to experience the high life without the high price tag.

Written by Mexpat Realtors – 2024

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