Amapas Puerto Vallarta

Although it is only a small area of sea and sand, Las Amapas has many attractions. It receives its name from the lush poppy trees that grow up to 30 meters in height and provide shade and cool shelter. To get there, you must go through Los Muertos beach and El Púlpito, a rock formation that divides both beaches. It is a narrow but short path of steps that must be traveled with care and agility. The location of this beach is so kind that in addition to being connected to the Playa de Los Muertos it is a path to the Conchas Chinas beach.

Do not forget to admire the view from the top of this beach. Once you have passed this medium test, you will find golden sand with medium grains that contrasts with the sea of emeralds and light blue tones.

The beach of Amapas

The simplicity of this beach gives you a unique space away from the fatigue of the city. Despite how busy this beach can be, it is so magical that it gives you the feeling of being completely alone in the place, granting calm and privacy. Couples take advantage of the shade of the trees or the small caves in the rocky areas that surround the beach for a romantic picnic. This beach also works as a meeting point to spend an afternoon of fun with friends or family. There is no shortage of people who simply go to lie down, read a book, listen to music, and acquire a tan of envy.

It is recommended to bring drinks and food, as there are no restaurants near the Amapas beach. Although from time to time you see a lost beach vendor pass by with the types of fish and shrimp stranded or a fresh and delicious fruit. If you prefer, there are also snacks with a lot of sauce. It is important not to leave plastic waste or other garbage to keep the magnificent Amapas beach attractions clean. You can also deposit the garbage in the bins that are installed in the area.

Thanks to this simple contribution to the maintenance of the ecosystem, the flora and fauna of Amapas are not affected. This guarantees that we can continue to appreciate the wonderful birds, the friendly minnows, and the hidden crustaceans. Delight our pupils with the brilliant colors of the trees and the elusive waves of the sea. Admire the rocky shapes and textures and continue to feel the tickling of the sand on our feet. The beach also has small cliffs that encourage a short adventure. Feel daring to climb them. The height it gives you will be a great plus to get a better view. You will have access to new angles to take photos of the incomparable memory.





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Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

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Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

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