August 2024

puerto vallarta cruise ships mexpat realtors houses for sale

 Reasons to Fall in Love with Puerto Vallarta on Your Next Cruise

Most cruise itineraries offer a taste of Puerto Vallarta, but the real magic lies beyond the pier. While the main attractions are a short journey away, venturing out is absolutely worth it, whether you’re a seasoned visitor or a first-timer. Here at Mexpat Realtors, we’ve compiled the top reasons to disembark and explore the heart …

 Reasons to Fall in Love with Puerto Vallarta on Your Next Cruise Read More »

Puerto Vallarta airport immigration lines get shorter faster Mexpat realtors

Puerto Vallarta Airport Unveils Faster Border Checks with Self-Service Kiosks

Good news for travelers! Puerto Vallarta International Airport is now equipped with cutting-edge self-service immigration kiosks to revolutionize your arrival experience. Skip the Long Lines: These state-of-the-art kiosks allow you to breeze through the immigration process in seconds, eliminating long queues and wait times. Enhanced Security: More than just convenience, the kiosks boast advanced verification …

Puerto Vallarta Airport Unveils Faster Border Checks with Self-Service Kiosks Read More »

timeshare fraud buying houses condos in puerto vallarta mexico

A Notorious Mexican  Cartel is Defrauding Retirees by Exploiting their Timeshare Investments

Here at MexPat Realtors, we have houses for sale in Puerto Vallarta and condos for sale in Puerto Vallarta. No timeshares, fractional shares or vacation clubs! After carving a path through drug trafficking, the Jalisco Cartel diversified into a ruthless economic empire, swallowing avocados, real estate, and construction companies whole. Now, it seems no nest …

A Notorious Mexican  Cartel is Defrauding Retirees by Exploiting their Timeshare Investments Read More »

puerto vallarta real estate yelapa beach town houses for sale

Explore Yelapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Charming Neighbor

Step aside Cancun and Cabo, Puerto Vallarta’s having a major moment! This stunning beach city consistently ranks among Mexico’s top vacation destinations, and for good reason. Unlike Cancun and Cabo, Puerto Vallarta offers a taste of authentic Mexico alongside its idyllic beaches. But even then, Puerto Vallarta can become crowded during high season, as its …

Explore Yelapa, Puerto Vallarta’s Charming Neighbor Read More »

Electric Car Giant BYD Might be Setting up Shop Here in Jalisco!

Gearing up for electric mobility?  BYD, China’s largest EV auto maker, which recently surpassed Tesla as the world’s biggest seller of electric vehicles, recently sent representatives to Jalisco. They met with state officials and existing Chinese suppliers in the area, like Haitian (an auto parts machinery maker), to explore the possibility of building a new …

Electric Car Giant BYD Might be Setting up Shop Here in Jalisco! Read More »



Gracias por tomarse el tempo para ayudarnos a comprender mejor sus necesidades / deseos y plazos. A cada cliente se le asigna un Agente de Bienes Raíces y un Gerente de Relaciones con el Cliente. Su equipo se pondrá en contacto con usted en breve con una lista de propiedades disponibles que concuerdan con la descripción que nos proporcionó y para responder a cualquier pregunta o inquietud que pueda tener, y/o aclarar cualquier duda que nos surja de sus respuestas.

Gracias por permitirnos ofrecerle un cambio de vida - para mejor!

Luke Kost Agente de Bienes Races, desea agradecerle especialmente por brindarnos la oportunidad de saber más sobre usted y ayudarlo. Independientemente de sus plazos, nos complacerá ayudarlo a alcanzar sus sueños de bienes raíces en México cuando sea el momento adecuado. “Todo comienza con una conversación, ofreciendo cambios en la vida, ¡para mejorar!” Oferta: Ventas, Gestión de la Propiedad y Facilitación del Alquiler.

Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

All Done!

Thank you for taking the time to help us better understand your needs / wants / desires and timelines. Each client is assigned a Real Estate Agent & Client Relations Manager. Your team will be in touch with you shortly with a list of properties that are available that match your description provided, and to answer any questions or concerns you may have or obtain clarifications to your answers listed.

Thank you for allowing us to offer you a life change - for the better!

Luke Kost Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent would like to provide you a special thank you for giving us the opportunity to know more about you and help you. Regardless of your timelines we will be happy to help you achieve your Mexico real estate dreams when the time is right. “It all starts with a conversation, offering life changes-for the better!” Offering Sales, Property Management & Rental Facilitation

Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

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