June 14, 2023

New highway section opens from Guadalajara to Puerto Vallarta

Another section of the Guadalajara–Puerto Vallarta highway has opened, getting drivers another step closer to a world in which driving time between the two cities will drop by two hours.  The road opening comes about two months after the 23.6-kilometer Capomo-La Florida route began operations in December 2022, connecting Las Varas with Junction 692, an …

New highway section opens from Guadalajara to Puerto Vallarta Read More »

Mexico Requires All Expats to Get a Taxpayer Number by July 1

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – The 2022 Tax Reform requires all Mexican citizens and legal residents aged 18 or over to have a Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (Federal taxpayer registration, commonly referred to as an ‘RFC’), as of July 1, 2022. If you have a Temporary or Permanent resident card, or a CURP, you must get an RFC, which …

Mexico Requires All Expats to Get a Taxpayer Number by July 1 Read More »

Central bank raises interest rate to 11.25%, another record high

The Bank of Mexico (Banxico) has voted to raise its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points to a record high of 11.25% as it continues its fight against inflation.  The central bank’s key rate has now risen 725 basis points in the current tightening cycle, which began in June 2021.  Thursday’s unanimous vote by …

Central bank raises interest rate to 11.25%, another record high Read More »



Gracias por tomarse el tempo para ayudarnos a comprender mejor sus necesidades / deseos y plazos. A cada cliente se le asigna un Agente de Bienes Raíces y un Gerente de Relaciones con el Cliente. Su equipo se pondrá en contacto con usted en breve con una lista de propiedades disponibles que concuerdan con la descripción que nos proporcionó y para responder a cualquier pregunta o inquietud que pueda tener, y/o aclarar cualquier duda que nos surja de sus respuestas.

Gracias por permitirnos ofrecerle un cambio de vida - para mejor!

Luke Kost Agente de Bienes Races, desea agradecerle especialmente por brindarnos la oportunidad de saber más sobre usted y ayudarlo. Independientemente de sus plazos, nos complacerá ayudarlo a alcanzar sus sueños de bienes raíces en México cuando sea el momento adecuado. “Todo comienza con una conversación, ofreciendo cambios en la vida, ¡para mejorar!” Oferta: Ventas, Gestión de la Propiedad y Facilitación del Alquiler.

Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

All Done!

Thank you for taking the time to help us better understand your needs / wants / desires and timelines. Each client is assigned a Real Estate Agent & Client Relations Manager. Your team will be in touch with you shortly with a list of properties that are available that match your description provided, and to answer any questions or concerns you may have or obtain clarifications to your answers listed.

Thank you for allowing us to offer you a life change - for the better!

Luke Kost Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent would like to provide you a special thank you for giving us the opportunity to know more about you and help you. Regardless of your timelines we will be happy to help you achieve your Mexico real estate dreams when the time is right. “It all starts with a conversation, offering life changes-for the better!” Offering Sales, Property Management & Rental Facilitation

Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

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