
Travel Like a Champion: Essential Tips for Your Retirement Adventures! (Part II)

Many of our clients here at Mexpat Realtors are American’s and Canadian’s buying houses for sale in Puerto Vallarta y condos for sale in Puerto Vallarta. We have had some great conversations with our clients about their traveling tips.

Seasoned travelers collect experiences and wisdom like fine wines. Here are some travel hacks gleaned from a group of retirees who refuse to let age slow down their wanderlust:

Embrace the Present Moment and Let Go of Expectations:

Ditch the rigid itinerary and preconceived notions. Follow Nancy Reynold’s (70) lead and let the excitement unfold organically. Savor the journey, not just the destination.

Serendipity is Key: Learn from retired police officer Diego Lopez. Leave room for spontaneity! Unexpected encounters and discoveries can become the most cherished memories.

Travel Lighter, Travel Farther:

The Art of Packing Light: Take a cue from travel veterans Nancy Reynolds (70) and Jenna Jones (72). Develop a capsule wardrobe of versatile, neutral-colored pieces that can be easily mixed and matched. Pack quick-drying, wrinkle-resistant fabrics, and plan on handwashing undergarments as needed. Big suitcases become burdens, not companions.

Travel Smarter, Not Harder:

Be a travel ninja like Peter and Susan Miller (75 & 74). Research off-peak seasons and times to visit popular attractions. This can help you avoid crowds, long lines, and even petty theft.

Sundays are for Rest, Not Travel: Michael Snell (63) swears by avoiding Sundays for travel. With everyone else on the road getting back for work on Monday, it can be a recipe for traffic jams and frustration. Relax, unwind, and pick a different day for your adventure.

Connect with the Locals:

A Few Words Go a Long Way: Denise Sherwood (70), a travel blogger with over 100 countries under her belt, emphasizes the importance of learning a few basic phrases in the local language. A simple “hello,” “goodbye,” “please,” and “thank you” can go a long way in bridging the cultural gap and creating a more positive experience.

Forget the whirlwind tours and jam-packed itineraries! Veteran travelers like Bill Bennett (54) and Bob Meyers (57) know the secret to unforgettable adventures lies in slowing down and savoring the experience.

Here are some gems from retirees who are making the most of their golden years:

Slower Pace, Richer Experience: Bill and Bob, who document their early retirement travels on “The Best Years of Our Lives” blog, recommend staying in one place longer. This allows you to truly immerse yourself in the local culture, avoid travel fatigue, and get your money’s worth.

Embrace the Detour: The pandemic inspired Connie Clark (65) and Connie Lewis (66) to trade it all in for a life on the road. Their secret? Flexibility! They plan loosely, allowing themselves to be led by chance encounters and unexpected discoveries. Their love for HGTV’s “Hometown” led them to Laurel, Mississippi, a delightful detour on their journey.

Open Your Heart and Mind: Travel veterans Michael and Michelle Bowen (both 68) remind us that even seasoned explorers need to embrace the unexpected. Their message? Retirement is prime time to keep exploring new paths and learning from the world around you. Be patient, be receptive, and be open to the adventures that await!

Authenticity Matters: Bill, Michael, and Michelle (all seasoned travelers) agree – cultural immersion is key! While tours can be a great way to experience local flavor, be cautious of overly-hyped experiences. Look for genuine connections and avoid being swayed by buzzwords like “bespoke” or “artisanal.”  Do your research and read reviews to ensure experiences live up to the hype.

Slow Travel, Rich Rewards:  Forget the breakneck pace! Melissa Giovagnoli (retired at 58) emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity.  Embrace the “slow travel” movement – stay in one place for longer, travel shorter distances each day, and truly savor your surroundings. This approach allows for a richer and more meaningful travel experience.


Embrace Flexibility:  The pandemic may have pushed Connie Lewis (65) and Connie Clark (66) onto the road, but it also instilled in them the value of flexibility.  While planning is important, be open to detours and unexpected discoveries.  Let chance encounters and hidden gems guide you on your journey.

Open Mind, Open Heart:  Michael and Michelle Bowen (both 68) remind us that seasoned travelers are still students of the world.  Be receptive to new experiences, embrace the unexpected, and remember that retirement is the perfect time to explore uncharted territory.

Listen to Your Body (and Budget):  Joe Kontyko (a solo traveler nearing 100 countries visited) is a strong advocate for self-care.  Don’t be afraid to cut a trip short if you’re feeling unwell or uncomfortable.  There’s no shame in prioritizing your well-being, and you can always return another time.

Bonus Tip:  Remember, travel is a marathon, not a sprint.  Pace yourself, prioritize experiences over possessions, and embrace the journey at your own speed.  By following these tips from seasoned explorers, you can create unforgettable travel memories that will last a lifetime.

Travel Hacks for Savvy Seniors: Explore the World Like a Pro

Retirement is prime time to explore the world, but even seasoned travelers can benefit from a few insider tips. Here’s how these experienced adventurers are making the most of their golden years:

Beat the Crowds (and Germs):  Joan Nagy (72) is an actress who loves museums, but being immunocompromised, she prioritizes early mornings. Hitting museums at opening allows her to enjoy the art in peace  and minimize exposure to crowds.  This strategy can be applied to any popular attraction – rise and shine to beat the masses!

Seize the Day:  Greg Quinlivan (retired in 2015) has a powerful message: don’t wait!  Travel while you can, because as he says, “tomorrow isn’t promised.”  If there’s a place you’ve always dreamed of visiting or an experience you crave, prioritize it. Life is short, so get out there and explore!

Embrace the Present:  Keely Johnston (retired school teacher) echoes Greg’s sentiment.  There’s no time like the present to chase your travel dreams. Whether it’s running marathons around the world (like Keely) or simply exploring a new city, embrace the present and start planning your next adventure!

Written by Mexpat Realtors     May  2024

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