
International Living – Buying Real Estate and Property in Mexico

Here at Mexpat Realtors, we have many clients who buy houses for sale in Puerto Vallarta, most are cash transactions but some mortgages options are available now. This week we delve into some FAQ about buying in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  Whether you’re a first-timer or seeking an investment property in Puerto Vallarta. By understanding the costs involved you’ll  feel more confident as you embark on your path to homeownership.

Mexico: Your Dream Destination Awaits

Imagine waking up to stunning scenery, vibrant culture, and perfect weather every day. In Mexico, this dream becomes reality. Beyond its natural beauty and rich traditions, Mexico offers a remarkable opportunity for foreigners to own property – and at an affordable price!

Open Doors, Endless Possibilities

Mexico welcomes international investment. Unlike the past, owning a piece of paradise is now easier than ever. This prime opportunity extends not just to the United States, but to anyone seeking a life enriched by cultural immersion, low costs, and breathtaking landscapes.

A Top Retirement Haven

International Living recognizes Mexico’s appeal. Consistently ranking among the top 10 retirement destinations globally, Mexico offers everything retirees could desire: affordability, a delightful climate, and a vibrant culture

Diversity Awaits

From snow-capped mountains to pristine beaches and everything in between, Mexico boasts an incredible range of ecosystems. Imagine the possibilities:

  • A charming colonial house with its iconic arches and overflowing bougainvillea gardens.
  • A beachfront retreat where the turquoise Caribbean laps at your doorstep.
  • A dramatic Pacific coast lookout offering breathtaking sunsets and crashing waves.

Mexico caters to every dream. Find your perfect slice of paradise today!

Things to keep in mind;

An acquisition tax is payable by the buyer when the property changes hands. The cost varies by location. In Puerto Vallarta this can range from 2-3%.

Understanding Predial: Mexico’s Property Tax

Mexico’s property tax, called predial, is generally much lower than what you might be used to in the U.S. This local tax is typically paid quarterly and averages around 0.1% of the property’s assessed value at purchase. This is typically just a few hundred dollars  PER  YEAR!

A Word on Assessed Value

Many Mexican communities base property taxes on a government-assigned assessed value, which can be substantially lower than the market value (often 30-40% less). While tempting, it’s important to remember that undervaluing a property for tax purposes is illegal in Mexico. Not only could you face penalties, but it could also lead to higher capital gains tax when you eventually sell the property.

Be Transparent, Get the Benefits

By ensuring an accurate assessed value, you benefit from a fair tax rate and avoid any potential legal issues down the road.

Understanding Closing Costs in Mexico

As the buyer in a Mexican property transaction, expect to cover closing costs, typically ranging from 5% to 6% of the purchase price. Here’s a breakdown of what these fees entail:

  • Taxes: This includes the acquisition tax, a tax certificate fee, and potentially a Value-Added Tax (VAT) on service providers involved in the transaction (appraiser, notary, etc.).
  • Registration and Legal Fees: These cover property registration fees and the notary’s fee for overseeing the closing process.
  • Other Fees: There may be additional miscellaneous clerical fees and a property appraisal fee (though not always required).

Who Pays What?

The good news: you won’t be responsible for the real estate agent’s fee, typically paid by the seller and ranging from 6% to 8% of the sale price.

Getting an Estimate

To help with budgeting, your notary or real estate agent can provide an estimated breakdown of closing costs when you make an offer.

As International Living Magazine continues to serve as a trusted resource for retirees worldwide, its recognition of Mexico’s enduring appeal underscores the country’s status as a premier retirement destination, offering a harmonious blend of affordability, beauty, and cultural vibrancy for those seeking an enriching retirement experience.

Written by Mexpat Realtors –  June  2024

Para asuntos relacionados con Bienes Raíces en Puerto Vallarta, Casas en Venta en Puerto Vallarta, Condominios en Venta en Puerto Vallarta, Sayulita Real Estate, Zona Romantica Puerto Vallarta o los alrededores de Bahia de Banderas, Property Management  Puerto Vallarta, o Rentas en Puerto Vallarta, Mexpat Realtors es un gran recurso.

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Luke Kost Agente de Bienes Races, desea agradecerle especialmente por brindarnos la oportunidad de saber más sobre usted y ayudarlo. Independientemente de sus plazos, nos complacerá ayudarlo a alcanzar sus sueños de bienes raíces en México cuando sea el momento adecuado. “Todo comienza con una conversación, ofreciendo cambios en la vida, ¡para mejorar!” Oferta: Ventas, Gestión de la Propiedad y Facilitación del Alquiler.

Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

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Thank you for allowing us to offer you a life change - for the better!

Luke Kost Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent would like to provide you a special thank you for giving us the opportunity to know more about you and help you. Regardless of your timelines we will be happy to help you achieve your Mexico real estate dreams when the time is right. “It all starts with a conversation, offering life changes-for the better!” Offering Sales, Property Management & Rental Facilitation

Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

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