Real Estate

Luxury resort day pass homes and condos for sale Puerto Vallarta

¿Te apetece un resort de lujo? Los pases diarios te permiten disfrutar del lujo por menos

Forget saving for a whole stay, new resort day passes let you experience luxury resorts for a fraction of the price. Budget-conscious traveler Joan Stevenson isn’t letting rising travel costs cramp her style. The New Yorker, who overspent on vacations in 2023, is finding creative ways to experience luxury without breaking the bank. Enter hotel …

¿Te apetece un resort de lujo? Los pases diarios te permiten disfrutar del lujo por menos Leer más »

puerto vallarta real estate yelapa beach town houses for sale

Explore Yelapa, el encantador vecino de Puerto Vallarta

Hazte a un lado Cancún y Cabo, Puerto Vallarta está viviendo un gran momento. Esta impresionante ciudad costera es uno de los principales destinos vacacionales de México, y con razón. A diferencia de Cancún y Cabo, Puerto Vallarta ofrece una muestra del auténtico México junto a sus idílicas playas. Pero incluso así, Puerto Vallarta puede llenarse de gente en temporada alta, ya que su ...

Explore Yelapa, el encantador vecino de Puerto Vallarta Leer más »

Luxury 5 diamond resort SIX SENSES Puerto Vallarta homes for sale Mexico XALA

A breathtaking 3,000-acre development boasting luxurious villas, private beach access, and the country’s first Six Senses resort is set to transform Mexico’s coastline

Mexico holds hidden gems – places so stunning they leave you breathless. The Costalegre, a wild and windswept coastline south of Puerto Vallarta, exemplifies this heart-stopping beauty. Here, the raw power of the ocean infuses your soul with a sense of wonder. At least, that’s how it affected me on my first visit to this …

A breathtaking 3,000-acre development boasting luxurious villas, private beach access, and the country’s first Six Senses resort is set to transform Mexico’s coastline Leer más »

Puerto Vallarta houses for sale fun in the sun beaches

Sunny Days & Endless Adventure: Puerto Vallarta Awaits!

Most of our clients move here from the United States or Canada. The Mexican real estate market does not function the same as your homeland. To lower your risks, it is advised to have a highly educated, experienced, and credentialed buyers real estate agent representing YOU. This will help when buying a house or condo …

Sunny Days & Endless Adventure: Puerto Vallarta Awaits! Leer más »


Mexico: A Paradise Found for Retirees (and Why it Tops the Global Retirement Index)

Sunsets, serenity, and amazing cuisine – Mexico reigns supreme as the top retirement destination for international pensioners according to the 2024 Global Retirement Index. This distinction, heavily influenced by the preferences of the Baby Boomer generation (born 1946-1964), highlights Mexico’s allure as a haven offering escape from harsh weather and a tapestry of breathtaking landscapes. …

Mexico: A Paradise Found for Retirees (and Why it Tops the Global Retirement Index) Leer más »


International Living – Buying Real Estate and Property in Mexico

Here at Mexpat Realtors, we have many clients who buy houses for sale in Puerto Vallarta, most are cash transactions but some mortgages options are available now. This week we delve into some FAQ about buying in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  Whether you’re a first-timer or seeking an investment property in Puerto Vallarta. By understanding the …

International Living – Buying Real Estate and Property in Mexico Leer más »

Your Guide to Mortgages in Mexico as a U.S. Citizen

Dreaming of owning a slice of paradise in Mexico? Puerto Vallarta offers a beautiful landscape and many U.S. and Canadian citizens are making that dream of owning a house or condo here a reality. Mexpat Realtors are experts when it comes to buying Puerto Vallarta real estate. The Mexican real estate market does not function …

Your Guide to Mortgages in Mexico as a U.S. Citizen Leer más »

Demystifying Mexican Home Insurance: Your Essential Coverage Guide

Purchasing a house for sale in Puerto Vallarta or condo for sale in Puerto Vallarta is an exciting step, but it’s important to protect your investment. Mexican home insurance can seem complex, but it doesn’t have to be. This essential guide from Mexpat Realtors demystifies Mexican home insurance, explaining the different types of coverage available …

Demystifying Mexican Home Insurance: Your Essential Coverage Guide Leer más »

Myth Buster: Mexican Home Insurance – Can You Trust It?

Worried about Mexican home insurance being a gamble? Fear not! This “Mexpat Realtors Myth Buster” dives deep into the truth about Mexican home insurance. We’ll explore common misconceptions, like the idea that getting claims paid is difficult. We’ll show you how reputable insurers in Mexico operate with transparency and offer efficient claims processes. By the …

Myth Buster: Mexican Home Insurance – Can You Trust It? Leer más »

Canadians are moving to Mexico chasing a better life, not a pipe dream

The thought of moving to Mexico to have a better life than a world-class country like Canada might seem absurd to some, but it’s a trend growing in popularity for many Canadians. More and more Canadians are grappling with the idea of leaving the country. The cost of living is at an all-time high. The concept of …

Canadians are moving to Mexico chasing a better life, not a pipe dream Leer más »



Gracias por tomarse el tempo para ayudarnos a comprender mejor sus necesidades / deseos y plazos. A cada cliente se le asigna un Agente de Bienes Raíces y un Gerente de Relaciones con el Cliente. Su equipo se pondrá en contacto con usted en breve con una lista de propiedades disponibles que concuerdan con la descripción que nos proporcionó y para responder a cualquier pregunta o inquietud que pueda tener, y/o aclarar cualquier duda que nos surja de sus respuestas.

Gracias por permitirnos ofrecerle un cambio de vida - para mejor!

Luke Kost Agente de Bienes Races, desea agradecerle especialmente por brindarnos la oportunidad de saber más sobre usted y ayudarlo. Independientemente de sus plazos, nos complacerá ayudarlo a alcanzar sus sueños de bienes raíces en México cuando sea el momento adecuado. “Todo comienza con una conversación, ofreciendo cambios en la vida, ¡para mejorar!” Oferta: Ventas, Gestión de la Propiedad y Facilitación del Alquiler.

Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

All Done!

Thank you for taking the time to help us better understand your needs / wants / desires and timelines. Each client is assigned a Real Estate Agent & Client Relations Manager. Your team will be in touch with you shortly with a list of properties that are available that match your description provided, and to answer any questions or concerns you may have or obtain clarifications to your answers listed.

Thank you for allowing us to offer you a life change - for the better!

Luke Kost Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent would like to provide you a special thank you for giving us the opportunity to know more about you and help you. Regardless of your timelines we will be happy to help you achieve your Mexico real estate dreams when the time is right. “It all starts with a conversation, offering life changes-for the better!” Offering Sales, Property Management & Rental Facilitation

Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

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