15 enero, 2024

Puerto Vallarta Inaugurates Jorullo Point Viewpoint With Spectacular Suspension Bridge

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – Puerto Vallarta proudly inaugurated the Jorullo Point viewpoint, a remarkable new attraction within the Canopy El Jorullo y el Ejido ecotourism complex. The highlight of this expansion is the awe-inspiring suspension bridge, a 200-meter long and 100-meter high structure designed for both RZR vehicles and pedestrians. Perched at a breathtaking height …

Puerto Vallarta Inaugurates Jorullo Point Viewpoint With Spectacular Suspension Bridge Leer más »

World agrees to climate deal that makes unprecedented call to move away from fossil fuels, but ‘cavernous’ loopholes remain

DubaiCNN —  The world agreed to a new climate deal in Dubai on Wednesday at the COP28 summit after two weeks of painstaking talks, making an unprecedented call to transition away from fossil fuels, but using vague language that could allow some countries to take minimal action. The gavel went down on the agreement, known as the Global Stocktake, …

World agrees to climate deal that makes unprecedented call to move away from fossil fuels, but ‘cavernous’ loopholes remain Leer más »

Cancun Uber and city taxi drivers sign inclusion agreement

Cancun, Q.R. — Cancun taxi drivers and rideshare company Uber have signed an inclusion agreement that takes effect January 1. The new agreement will integrate Cancun taxi drivers into the Uber app. The agreement came after years of conflict and one-and-a-half of negotiating. The agreement was signed Friday morning between the General Secretary of the …

Cancun Uber and city taxi drivers sign inclusion agreement Leer más »

Construction Expected To Resume On 22 Puerto Vallarta Developments Closed By Government Inspectors

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – In a significant development, it has been announced that by the year 2024, 22 real estate developments in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, previously halted by Semarnat (the Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources), are set to resume construction activities. This encouraging news follows a crucial meeting between municipal and federal authorities, …

Construction Expected To Resume On 22 Puerto Vallarta Developments Closed By Government Inspectors Leer más »

Puerto Vallarta Experiences A Population Increase Of 300% For New Year Celebrations

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – In a statement released by Luis Villaseñor Nolasco, the director of the Puerto Vallarta Tourism Trust, it was revealed that the city witnessed remarkable hotel occupancy during the Christmas weekend, with numbers reaching an impressive 90%. As the year draws to a close, the city anticipates reaching full occupancy, utilizing all …

Puerto Vallarta Experiences A Population Increase Of 300% For New Year Celebrations Leer más »



Gracias por tomarse el tempo para ayudarnos a comprender mejor sus necesidades / deseos y plazos. A cada cliente se le asigna un Agente de Bienes Raíces y un Gerente de Relaciones con el Cliente. Su equipo se pondrá en contacto con usted en breve con una lista de propiedades disponibles que concuerdan con la descripción que nos proporcionó y para responder a cualquier pregunta o inquietud que pueda tener, y/o aclarar cualquier duda que nos surja de sus respuestas.

Gracias por permitirnos ofrecerle un cambio de vida - para mejor!

Luke Kost Agente de Bienes Races, desea agradecerle especialmente por brindarnos la oportunidad de saber más sobre usted y ayudarlo. Independientemente de sus plazos, nos complacerá ayudarlo a alcanzar sus sueños de bienes raíces en México cuando sea el momento adecuado. “Todo comienza con una conversación, ofreciendo cambios en la vida, ¡para mejorar!” Oferta: Ventas, Gestión de la Propiedad y Facilitación del Alquiler.

Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

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Thank you for taking the time to help us better understand your needs / wants / desires and timelines. Each client is assigned a Real Estate Agent & Client Relations Manager. Your team will be in touch with you shortly with a list of properties that are available that match your description provided, and to answer any questions or concerns you may have or obtain clarifications to your answers listed.

Thank you for allowing us to offer you a life change - for the better!

Luke Kost Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent would like to provide you a special thank you for giving us the opportunity to know more about you and help you. Regardless of your timelines we will be happy to help you achieve your Mexico real estate dreams when the time is right. “It all starts with a conversation, offering life changes-for the better!” Offering Sales, Property Management & Rental Facilitation

Principal Broker & Real Estate Agent Luke Kost

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