
Find out more about the organizations helping our community.

Alano Club: AA, NA, Al-Anon and CoDa

AA meetings in English plus Al-Anon, NA, SLAA and Coda. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) general open group meetings Mon-Sat at 9 am and 6:30 pm and Sun at 11 am; for women only Thursdays at 10:30 am; for men only Thursdays at 8 pm; Sundays for gay and lesbian at 11 am but call for location, please. Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Daily at 5 pm; Al-Anon, Mon and Fri at 6:30 pm (Fri only May-Nov). N/A Step Sisters, Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Co-Dependents (CoDa), mixed, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 am. Over-eaters Anonymous (OA), daily at 5 pm. Meetings at the Basilio Badillo 329, interior upstairs, across the street from Johnny’s Diner. Further information

Alcóholicos Anónimos Nuevo Vallarta (AA Nuevo Vallarta)

AA meetings in English plus Al-Anon, NA, SLAA and Coda. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) general open group meetings Mon-Sat at 9 am and 6:30 pm and Sun at 11 am; for women only Thursdays at 10:30 am; for men only Thursdays at 8 pm; Sundays for gay and lesbian at 11 am but call for location, please. Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Daily at 5 pm; Al-Anon, Mon and Fri at 6:30 pm (Fri only May-Nov). N/A Step Sisters, Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Co-Dependents (CoDa), mixed, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 am. Over-eaters Anonymous (OA), daily at 5 pm. Meetings at the Basilio Badillo 329, interior upstairs, across the street from Johnny’s Diner. Further information

America-Mexico Foundation (Becas Vallarta)

The AMF is a volunteer, non-profit U.S tax-deductible foundation that works in conjunction with the non-profit Becas Vallarta organization assisting qualified Puerto Vallarta students so they can continue their education through scholarships. This association sponsors low-income children in Puerto Vallarta, buys school supplies and offers scholarships to promising youngsters, eighth grade through University. Currently offers scholarships to over 300 students. To qualify for the scholarships, a student must maintain a grade point average of 8.5 out of 10, live in Puerto Vallarta, be a good citizen in school and at home and come from an economically challenged family. Once it is obtained the student may keep it until the educational goal is reached. Donations are tax-deductible in Mexico and the USA.

Amigos de La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, A.C.

Contributing to the quality of life in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle through cultural, educational, environmental and charitable assistance programs. Tax-deductible

Asociación Down

A foundation that assists people with Down syndrome. Works in rehabilitation programs for Down syndrome children so they can assist to the regular school system. Make a donation or volunteer.

Autism02 Clínica Hiperbarica

A non-profit Puerto Vallarta organization that works to educate both doctors and families so they can treat and recuperate children with autism. Open to the public, children are always welcome. Autism02 uses the Defeat Autism Now (DAN!) protocol. Autism is no longer the incurable disease of the past. It’s curable when treated early, properly, and effectively.

Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Vallarta (Puerto Vallarta Food Bank)

A non-profit association founded in 2000, works to balance social inequality by helping vulnerable groups and families by diminishing famine and undernourishment. Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Vallarta AC stores select and distribute food products to those that most need it in the local community.

Banderas Bay Women’s Shelter

Banderas Bay Women’s Shelter is a non-profit shelter that provides immediate and temporary safe shelter for local women and their children victims of domestic abuse or violence. The Shelter also provides ongoing emotional support with professional counseling services. Victims are prepared to become financially independent through education, jobs, and small business loans. Donation or volunteer.

Canica Puerto Vallarta

Children with Cancer Support Center (Canica – Centro de Apoyo a Niños con Cancer), together with the Vallarta Womens’ Association (Asociacion Femenil Vallartense), their main goal is providing aid and attention to children and youngsters of low income with cancer in Puerto Vallarta, as well as helping their families. 

Casa Hogar Máximo Cornejo Quiroz

An established Puerto Vallarta orphanage near the airport and bus terminal for children from birth to 14 run by Catholic nuns. Most of the 50-55 children have families who are unable to care for them adequately. Casa Hogar Maximo Cornejo Quiroz was founded in 1993 and provides these children with a home, education and healthcare. Their needs include kitchen supplies, medicine, soap, shampoo, diapers, clothes, and milk.

Casa Infantil Mojoneras A.C. (Children’s Home)

Offer care and protection to children and youngsters in extreme poverty, they focus on food, clothing, and education. Children come mostly from broken homes, have been abused, neglected or are subject to domestic violence. Their help prevents child pornography and prostitution.

Centro Comunitario SETAC-GLBT Puerto Vallarta

The purpose of the Puerto Vallarta Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Community Center, is to provide essential services to the GLBT community, including support in recovery from alcoholism and other afflictions, physical and mental health treatment and referrals, education and recreation in an atmosphere of safety, free from discrimination. The Center holds free AA meetings, English classes, HIV testing, and counseling. Condoms are always available by simply asking.

Charity Bingo

Charity Bingo is a popular event hosted by Nacho Daddy every other Tuesday night during High Season. Local merchants donate gift bags, coupons and other products that are then part of the prizes, one-night stays in a villa, dinners for two, boat trips and more are included among the prizes you can win.
Charity Bingo has raised over $35,000 the last two years for local charities, each bingo event support a different charity, such as Canica for kids with cancer, Pasitos de Luz handicapped children, Senior home for the Elderly, the Puerto Vallarta orphanage Casa Hogar for children, local Food Bank (Banco de Alimentos), and the Shelter for cats. Before each bingo event, the upcoming charity makes a wish list they need if you bring one of these items to the event you get a discount.

Corazon de Niña Casa Hogar

Corazón de Niña is a local non-profit children’s shelter dedicated to providing housing, education, food, medical care and love to young girls who have been removed from their homes due to unstable living conditions. Rather than housing girls in an institutional setting, Corazon de Niña provides a real home with house parents. Counseling, education and long-term support are priorities of the home. It is the only home for girls over the age of 12 in Puerto Vallarta.

Cruz Roja (Red Cross)

The Red Cross handles hospital and emergency services locally, offering services to those who are unable to afford it. They need funds and equipment, as well as volunteers. It is the only facility that is authorized to offer assistance to injured people on the street, transport them to their facility or other ones indicated by the injured person. One of the notable Mexican charitable organizations that always offers massive assistance in earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters that afflict the country.

Democrats Abroad Mexico – Costa Banderas Chapter

The Costa Banderas chapter of Mexico Democrats Abroad represents US citizens residing in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, as well as in the emerging, new gringo “colonies” located just to the north of the well-known tourist resort in the state of Nayarit.

DIF (Desarrollo Integral de la Familia)

DIF is a municipal service, part of the federal System of Family Services, a Mexican public institution of social assistance focusing on improving and developing the welfare of Mexican families. The institution was founded by Carmen Romano, wife of Mexican president José López Portillo.

Centro Comunitario SETAC-GLBT Puerto Vallarta

Helps disabled people with wheelchairs, crutches, and other orthopedic devices. Offers tuition for trade training so that the local disabled can lead a productive life in Vallarta. Tax deductions both in Mexico, US, and Canada.

Discapacitados Visuales de la Bahía (Banderas Bay Civil Association of Visually Handicapped)

The non-profit Discapacitados Visuales de la Bahía A.C. constantly works to benefit Puerto Vallarta’s society, volunteers and members of this association provide courses, such as computer courses for various levels, Braille courses, and other activities for those that are blind.

Eagle’s Wings Foundation

A non-profit organization conceived by Jim McCarthy, a long-time Board of Directors member of Universal Vacation Club.  It was approved by IRS in 1999. Donations may be included as part of your income tax deductions. They provide assistance to charitable groups in the Puerto Vallarta area, the nearby state of Nayarit, and Cabo San Lucas.

Ecology Group of Puerto Vallarta (Grupo Ecológico de Puerto Vallarta, A.C.)

Grupo Ecológico de Puerto Vallarta, A.C. believes residents of Banderas Bay have a legal right and moral responsibility to participate in wildlife preservation and the enjoyment of natural beauty. They manage a dog and cat adoption program. Volunteers and animal handling equipment are needed. They provide forms (in English and Spanish) for filing ecological complaints to the local authorities.

Ecology Group of the Green Coast (Grupo Ecologico de la Costa Verde, A.C.)

Green Coast Ecology Group was founded in 1992, with the original intention of protecting nesting turtles along the San Francisco (San Pancho) beaches in the state of Nayarit, which begins just north of Puerto Vallarta. In April 1993 Grupo Ecologico de la Costa Verde received official recognition by the Mexican government and became the first non-profit environmental civil organization in the State of Nayarit with a special interest in marine turtle protection. Through SEMARNAT (Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources) this environmental group works to help protect all other endangered species of flora and fauna along that part of the Pacific Coast. Grupo Ecológico de la Costa Verde/Green Coast Ecology Group sponsors environmental education programs as well.

Families of Esperanza A.C.

In 2006, this association discovered whole families living and working in the city dump overlooking the resorts of Puerto Vallarta. They knew no other way of making a living and some families had been living there generations. Children from these families were not registered and were unable to obtain birth certificates as they had no official address and their children could not go to school. Their futures were bleak. The mission project started by bringing water, food, and clothing. The mission named the road at the base of the dump “Hope Road”, assigned each home an address and got the children registered so they could go to school.  Today in 2010, all of our “Families of Hope” no longer live in the dump itself.

Feed the Children Vallarta

Feed the Children Vallarta was formed in 1998 to help the poor children who were living in and around the city dump. Children of the Dump’s main focus is to help the children in Puerto Vallarta go to school and stay there. While there are no children now living in the city dump, Feed the Children Vallarta provides food for more than 1,800 children daily in the primary and kindergarten schools around the dump and an additional 1,500 children each week with their hot meals program.

Friends of Puerto Vallarta Animals

Non-profit that works to protect and help animals in the area, both through their center, getting food, medicine donations, promotion, finding temporal adoption homes and many other activities.

Fundación Comunitaria Punta de Mita

Objective: To be promoters of a cultural change by inspiring residents and visitors of Punta de Mita and Bahía de Banderas so that, through their proposals, actions, and dreams, they contribute to the betterment of our communities, and guiding efforts of other groups, organizations, corporations and individuals that share our ideals.
Geographic Scope: The name of the foundation indicates its origin, however, its sphere of influence is much broader, covering the entire Banderas Bay region. Thanks to the alliances established through the community development funds, it is possible to have an impact in a much wider area.

Horizonte de Paz A.C.

A well-run, transparent Non-profit organization that helps people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. There are high rates of addiction in low-income areas in Puerto Vallarta, this group’s work is essential to improve the quality of life for many families, offering them moral, spiritual and psychological guidance through the programs, specialist activities and a professionally run rehabilitation process.

International Friendship Club (IFC)

The International Friendship Club is a group of expatriates from the U.S. and Canada with the goal of promoting friendship among the international and local communities. The group funds many projects such as the Cleft Palate Program, which offers reconstructive surgery, Becas Vallarta, classroom and school restroom construction, emergency medical aid for those with limited resources, education supplies, supports a local orphanage and physical rehabilitation clinic, Los Mangos Library, Santa Barbara Clinic Rehab, as well as funding a large community food distribution program. The International Friendship Club annually collects and distributes some $100,000 USD through some sixteen programs. Donations to the American-Mexican Foundation are tax-deductible in the USA and Mexico.

Make a Wish Foundation (MAW)

Make-A-Wish Foundation of Mexico a non-profit organization that grants wishes for Mexican children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy. One hundred percent of the funds are used for the wishes. MAW is a registered national non-profit foundation that is part of an international organization operating in more than thirty countries in the world. MAW Mexico has granted wishes to children from more than 20 states in Mexico. Donations are used to grant wishes and are tax-deductible in the USA and Mexico. They work to grant wishes to children that are between 3 and 18 years old in all of Mexico and are funded by corporate sponsors and private donations that are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Mexico.

Manos de Amor por Bahia, A.C. (Hands of Love for the Bay)

Manos de Amor por Bahia is a non-profit organization born of the desire of a group of citizens of Bucerias to help the less fortunate, especially the children of Bahia de Banderas. Formed on April 13, 2004, the goal is to offer love, compassion and through proper education, each child can heal, develop their own self-esteem and understand the true values of life and society.

Navy League

Puerto Vallarta’s Navy League sponsors community social projects, generally involve the painting of a school, orphanage or home for disadvantaged or abused minors as well as routine repair and maintenance work. They arrange transport of donated goods from the US. via the US Navy’s ‘Hand Clasp’ Program. They sponsor local Toy For tots programs and sponsor youth programs such as “Junior Sail” which keeps children between 8 and 13 off the streets and participate in local, national and international yacht racing competitions

Overseas Vote Foundation

Overseas Vote Foundation is dedicated to doing one thing well: helping overseas American citizens and uniformed services voters register faster, more easily and accurately than ever before by providing public access to innovative online voter registration tools and services.

Pasitos de Luz

Pasitos de Luz is a Puerto Vallarta non-profit organization founded by disabled children mothers so they can achieve their rehabilitation while, at the same time, taking care of their basic necessities, which are difficult to meet due to physical, intellectual and financial disabilities. Rehabilitation, food, education and daycare center among other free services, 12 hours a day from Mon. to Sat. Currently offering services to more than 120 children.


PEACE (Protection, Education, Animals, Culture & Environment) is a Banderas Bay non-profit endeavor established in the year 2005, that acts as an umbrella organization for Casa Comunidad, Ayuda Los Animales, (Help The Animals) a Women’s Co-Op, (Manos de Mujeres Unidas) and Community Pride. Offering free community service programs such as animal spay and neuter clinics and English classes for children and adults, PEACE is a U.S. non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and a Mexican Civil Association that issues invoices (facturas) for donations.

Ports of Art (Fundación Aire Fresco – Fresh Air Foundation)

Located within the Puerto Vallarta International Airport in the departure terminal, Ports of Art was created to provide opportunities for artists to display their work in an open venue, help in beautifying public spaces and raise funds for the Fundación Aire Fresco. Since 2008, the Fresh Air Foundation has helped hundreds of youngsters and young people attend day and summer camps with art, language, ecology and physical education programs.

Public Library Los Mangos (Biblioteca Los Mangos)

The public library of Vallarta needs funds to operate and increase its book inventory, as well as to help with its cultural center, art classes, dance performances, etc. The Puerto Vallarta Public Library (in Spanish) offers activities for local children every Sat morning 10 am – Noon.

Puerto Vallarta Little League Baseball

Help support Little League Baseball in Puerto Vallarta. A nonprofit organization, Little League Baseball is dedicated to helping kids develop the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being. But here in Puerto Vallarta, they cannot afford to play! Team sponsorships, baseball equipment and financial support are needed.

Puerto Vallarta Sea Turtle Protection & Conservation Program

Mexico has for many years had one of the most advanced marine turtle programs in the world. Puerto Vallarta has been protecting sea turtles and their egg-laying since 1993. Turtle experience activities are available between June and October. Justin Burch in his article “The Olive Ridley turtle – Puerto Vallarta’s favorite ocean visitor” on the many sea turtles that make their way home to the beaches of Puerto Vallarta to lay their eggs in the sandy beaches of Banderas Bay. He states that with “the assistance of the Puerto Vallarta Sea Turtle Protection Program, 96% of the eggs are able to hatch.” Baby turtles are born usually between July and December. Four of Mexico’s 17 beach reserves are located in the state of Jalisco and are administered by the University of Guadalajara along with government and private organizations.

Purr Project (No Kill Cat Shelter/Adoption)

Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza (R.I.S.E) (Children Shelter of Hope)

The Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza is a non-profit shelter for babies and children under the age of 14 run by nuns from the Order of the Carmelites of Jesus of Nazareth. Some of the children are orphans or come from unbearable situations, having either been abused, neglected or simply abandoned by their families. R.I.S.E. is a Mexican non-profit charitable organization, which accepts donations through a number of charitable organizations. Visitors welcome 11am-1pm and 4pm-6pm.

Salvation Army (Ejército de Salvación, A.C.)

A Community Center that operates 365 days of the year helping more than 60 poor children from dysfunctional families, with alcoholism or drug addiction problems.

SPCA of Puerto Vallarta

Fund and promotes pet sterilization and adoption in the Puerto Vallarta area.
To volunteer, adopt, foster or donate to the Protective and Compassionate Society for the Animals of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, visit the Puerto Vallarta SPCA.

Toys for Tots

Raises funds to purchase toys, that it then distributes to the neediest kids of the Vallarta and Bay area on “Día de Los Reyes” (The Day of Kings), January 6. Donations of cash or toys are accepted all year round.

Vallarta Botanical Gardens AC

Founded in 2004, it offers more than 3,000 different species of native and non-native plants such as cacti, palms, ferns, orchids, and bromeliads. The non-profit Puerto Vallarta Botanical Gardens AC are located approximately 15 miles south of the city in the lower Sierra Madre mountains. Placed on 20 sprawling acres of highlands, this is a lovely natural attraction where you can spend quality time outdoors enjoying nature with family and friends. Many visitors now consider this an obligatory thing to do in Puerto Vallarta.

Western Ecological Society (Sociedad Ecológica de Occidente)

A non-profit organization founded in 2004 by Biologist Óscar Aranda, has worked for over 12 years protecting marine turtles in the Puerto Vallarta area. The group’s goal is to preserve and wildlife of the Western area of Mexico, through environmental courses and information campaigns. The main goal is to save the marine turtles from extinction, the program is financed solely by donations.



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